Saturday, June 6, 2015

Estoy teniendo una aventura buena.

Hola a todos,

Lo siento mucho!! I have been having the time of my life here in Spain, and I have the heart of an adventurer, so when I'm in a new place, it's very hard for me to sit down and take time to write. I know it's very important to stay on top of this, as Im already having to make a large post because now I have stories from Madrid AND Toledo. It's funny because each day I'm getting up earlier than I ever would back home, and still going to bed at the same time I normally would.  I guess some things just never change.



Day June 5:

It's now day 3.  Yesterday I traveled with the group of students to Madrid.  We started off the day by traveling to Madrid by train. It's only a 30 minute ride.  Not too bad. I wore pink for Kaley Wilkerson in Spain on this day. For those that do not know, she a sweet little girl who recently lost her battle to brain cancer. She made a serious impact on many people throughout the span of her life. --

I'm going to be very honest with you all-- I've never really been big on " big cities" and yesterday I started off the day already feeling tired because of the lack of sleep.  I also went for a run at 730 because I hadn't run in 2 days and was really itching for some cardio, so anyways, back to what I was saying...I've never really been much for big cities and my sentiments towards Madrid are no different.  I would rather be somewhere where the sky meets the earth and there aren't many buildings, if any, in between.  I don't really have much to say about it besides how much I loved Retiro Park.  It was beautiful and I will show you though the pictures I took.

Turtles in the train station. They had a whole area dedicated to las tortugas. My dad would die and go to heaven.

Retiro Park, Madrid.

After that we walked to a restaurant that was on a main strip and had lunch. It was pretty good. I took a picture. I ordered turkey with grape dressing and it came with French fries, which I did not eat, as I've been doing my best to mind my macronutrients. It also came with a primero plato-- of which was spaghetti. I didn't eat much of this either, as my dad knows , I've never been a big eater. Which is precisely why I had to tell my mama that I don't eat much.


dessert Flan

Next stop was an art museum that had paintings by Goya and works of many other artists. Very incredible art work was on display here. I was unable to take photos-- as are usually the rules in art museos, but that's ok with me. There is no satisfaction in a photo of a piece of art later anyway, nothing like seeing it with your own eyes.

After this we strolled through for a little while , had a nice break in the plaza ... I went to a cafe and was taught a very valuable lesson--- never travel without un hombre. I walked into a cafe to use the restroom with my friend and since the bathrooms are small in Europe she went alone and I stayed outside waiting for her. I decided to wonder off into an opening I saw beside the bathroom, which ended up leading to a bar, and the bar tender approached me and told me I was tan guapa (very beautiful) ---which was very sweet and I said gracias.. He then game up close to me and grabbed my arm to give me besos on either side of my cheek-- but on the second kiss he came very close to touching my lips... at this point I'm feeling very violated -- personal space I grabbed my arm away and ran back to the bathroom door where CB was waiting for me.. I grabbed her and told her to run. I explained what happened as we ran up the stairs! Anyways -- DONT WORRY MOMMA AND DADDY-- I told my teachers and they taught me to go everywhere with a guy to make it seem like i have a boyfriend because this basically means " I am already owned by someone" -- and that also there is a saying that Karina taught me to say if I feel as if my personal space is violated -- which I can't remember at the moment , so I'll be asking her again soon. Another great instructor of mine (one of the best, don't know if you're picking up on a pattern here but my Spanish professors are all of my favorites)-- Anyways one of them told me, You don't commit a new word to you vocabulary until you've used it at least 50 times.

After this encounter we walked to the palace where the kings and queens used to live.. Which is next to a beautiful cathedral .



infront of the cathedral


standing in a random street in madrid.

After this journey we walked to a very busy part of Madrid-- saw a protest -- which my friend Logan got a really great video of. I will more than likely get one and post it on Facebook so you all can see , as I was half dead from exhaustion by this point in the day.. 

We took a train to Atocha -- had dinner at a Mediterranean place -- muy bueno-- I didn't get pictures I was too tired-- we got back to train and returned to Alcala at 1145 in the evening.

Logan bought me a rose from a man selling roses outside of the restaurant. 
Beautiful rose, from a very very sweet person aka Logan :)

My sweet mama was waiting up for my return last night. She really is the sweetest lady. I told her I was going to try to go to church with her sometime. I really want to spend time with her as I would if she were my own mom. I think it's important to really make myself feel a part of the family. I asked her how her day was while getting ready for bed and she said she went shopping. She went shopping and bought bananas (platanos). She Knows I love them. When I got home last night I was so tired that as soon as my head hit the pillow-- I went right to sleep and I slept
Like a baby. Which is a good thing because Logan and I are going to Toledo and I don't want to waste anytime sleeping in. 

Things I've learned: 

1. My Spanish is actually a lot better than I ever thought it was.
2. Chacos are the worst shoes for walking around in -- I have blisters everywhere. Mama gave me band aids ;).
3. Even when you're tired, hungry, sweaty-- you should always be grateful for your circumstances-- because you're in spain and life is too short.
4. Also--- i think I hate large cities because I have some sort of phobia of large crowds. I like open air. This must be the reason why I HATE going to Walmart -- or anywhere where there are large crowds. For example, the Sanderson gym in the late afternoons and evenings on weekdays during the school semester. 

Anyways don't know who I got that from but It's definitely true.

Today we went to Toledo and I'll post about it later. Our train returned at 930. I'm Excited to see this beautiful place. Hope everyone had a blessed day.

Un salad y todo mi amor,


other random photos:

our dining room and living room area


mi cuarto/bedroom


IG: mishakomargaret
FACEBOOK: mishako margaret moore

1 comment:

  1. You are so beautiful, and Spain is lucky to have you exploring. This blog is such an amazing idea and it makes me wish I were there with you. So happy you're Spanish is better than you know, you always were you're own toughest critic. I love you more than you know.
